Creating your own symbols, attunements and Masters Becoming a Grand Master in true sense.
Reiki Grand Master Course
The Science of Symbology :
Knowing the origin of Reiki & other symbols, how they works and generate energy? How to make your own symbols for other purposes.
The science of initiation :
Learn the science of initiation and how to create the attunements of various purposes? Learn additional initiation for prosperity and carrier called Samriddhi Shaktipat, relationship and harmony called Madhuram Shaktipat for study and success called vidya shaktipat.
Master Attunment :
The ultimate attunement. Rising the energy of Masters to the highest dimentions. How to create powerful Reiki Master and Grand Master.
Mass heal empowerment :
How to heal a group? This is powerful technique to heal and transform hundreds to thousands of people at a time.
Master Grid :
A powerful , advanced and specific healing grid. Uniquely designed for Grand Master to heal faster and more sensitive than normal III level grid.